1015 Pikesprings Road (rt.113)
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Copyright 2022 Yeager’s Farm & Market Inc.
Website Design by Icon MediaWorks
Delivery Fees
Our delivery charges are determined by both the delivery location’s zip code and the total amount of materials ordered.
Delivery Schedule
Please note that all delivery timings provided are estimates and may be subject to adjustments.
Yeagers Farm implements a Driveway Delivery policy. Our drivers, while experienced and aiming to accommodate your delivery preferences, have the final say in delivery placement for safety reasons. If a request is made for delivery beyond the confines of the driveway, the co-signer will bear full responsibility for any resultant damages. This includes, but is not limited to, harm to our equipment or vehicles, towing costs, and charges for lost usage. Decisions regarding deviations from standard driveway delivery rest solely with Yeagers Farm, and we are not liable for any damages to curbs, sidewalks, driveways, plants, fences, structures, septic systems, sprinkler systems, drainage pipes, or similar. Any property damage incurred during delivery falls under the customer’s responsibility.
General Advice: Flexibility is key. Various factors might hinder the placement of products in specific areas. Decisions by drivers will prioritize safety and risk of property damage. While we strive to meet your requests, our primary concern is safety for all.
Customer Obligations:
It’s not necessary for you to be present at the time of delivery. However, for accurate placement, kindly mark the desired location with a noticeable item (e.g., tarp, shovels in an X formation, chalk marks, cones, buckets). Please note that certain conditions may prevent us from placing materials exactly where desired.
Ensure that vehicles and other obstacles are moved beforehand to facilitate unimpeded dumping at the specified location.
Given the volume of daily deliveries, we can only confirm the delivery date, not a specific time. We do not provide advance calls or door knocks unless an issue arises during delivery, making it crucial for you to clearly indicate where you’d like the material placed.
Our trucks cannot traverse over grass, curbs, or sidewalks.
Driveways and Pavements:
The weight of our delivery trucks could potentially damage concrete or stone surfaces. Therefore, trucks will avoid driving over freshly laid pavement or asphalt, which requires up to a year to fully cure.
Overhead and Underground Concerns:
When arranging a delivery, please inform your sales representative about any overhead obstacles like power lines or tree branches, or underground installations such as septic lines or utility cables, that could interfere with the delivery truck’s operation. For safety, trucks must maintain a distance from power lines and may be restricted by steep inclines.
Children and Pets:
Ensure that pets and children are kept away from the delivery area. The driver’s field of vision does not include directly behind the truck, posing a risk during delivery.
Please note that upon delivery by dump truck, the driver will not be able to distribute materials such as stone to form an even layer; this will necessitate further spreading by hand or with machinery to achieve a uniform surface. While we do not provide installation or landscaping design services directly, we are happy to suggest professionals who can assist with your project. For recommendations or to discuss your requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out by calling our office or visiting us on-site.
There are No Returns delivered Materials.